Marine Epoxy Glue 1 to 1 Mix

- 1 to 1 mix
- No shrinkage
- Cures at 35 degrees
- Over night cure
- Contact pressure
- Gap filling

Epoxy products are shipped direct to you by the manufacturer in California. Please allow a few extra days for delivery.

GL-10 1 to 1 mix epoxy glue has been formulated to a thick yet spreadable consistency so that it will easily stay in place when spread along a vertical surface. GL-10 has an approximate 1 1/2 hours pot life at 70 degrees which is ample time for most projects. Under high stress conditions such as an impact, we find that the GL-10 glue line will hold fast and the wood fiber parts either side of the glue line will generally shatter, the mark of an excellent glue. Bonds wood, fiberglass, concrete, and most metals, is transparent to amber in color.
More Information about GL-10 Super Epoxy Glue

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