The NIAGARA with its traditional efficient lines is our most popular canoe. The performance qualities are exceptional, with its gently Veed bottom that keeps her tracking true, yet turns easily if you want it to. It only takes a few strokes for the paddle to move the NIAGARA along at a good clip. The NIAGARA is exceptionally stable due to the squared chine area that gives it a good wide waterline beam which means, the NIAGARA is not easily capsized. In the event it should capsize, or is swamped, made of all wood it will float very high in the water, and can easily be righted. Side and bottom panels are 1/4" fir marine plywood.
Plans and patterns for the Niagara list all the detailed information, full size patterns and assembly drawings to build the Square Stern model. The plan sets include full size patterns for the cross-frames, the breast hooks, stems, thwart, transom, transom knees, and angle blocks. Plan sets also have detailed step by step instructions together with a bill of materials and fastening list.
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