Length 8 ft. 8 in., beam 4 ft. 3 in., draft 6 in. This is a straightforward, simple frameless general-purpose 1/4 in. plywood dinghy, suitable for outboard motor or oars. At 70 lbs., it is light enough to be carried on a rack on any car and be easily carried by two people. For ferrying in placid water it is suitable for three, but for more open water or for fishing or extended trips, it is more suitable for two. It is as seaworthy as any boat of its size, but no boat as small as this is suitable for open water in rough conditions. Designed to cut economically from standard sheets of plywood. Solid inner keel and stem give rigidity where required, but chines are wired and covered with fiberglass tape to give strength with lightness. Ample reserve buoyancy is built in. Tape is also used on fore and aft buoyancy compartments. There are no loose parts. Bottom is stiffened inside and has keel and rub strips outside. First assembly uses a temporary former, which is cut up later for buoyancy compartment parts. Easy to build and easy to propel.
Plywood requirements - 2.5 sheets 1/4" (6mm) x 4' x 8'.
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